Sunday, August 3, 2008

My words.

Right, so I'm 'obliged' to start a new blog.

I'm not used to blogging with an audience in mind, and it doesn't help that this time, I know it's my lecturer & collegues who are reading. Well well, doesn't that makes the whole reflection a little forced & 'superfical' in nature? Oops!

"I better mind what I say before I get marked down!"

Hmm... I guess the intention is to provide a platform for engaged learning & ultimately gain deeper insights from one another. But I guess we can only harness the full benefits if everybody blog with an open & constructive mind.

(I don't happen to be the most politically correct student or teacher for the matter.)

But hey! You never know till you try..
so here I go in making my first educational blogpost =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the edu-blogosphere. There is much to do and even more to learn.

I am glad that you are willing to try! That is the first step in changing mindsets.

I look forward to seeing what else you have to say in weeks to come!

Dr Tan